A downloadable Tangled Spells

Tangled Spells Game Mechanic Prototype

Hey, thanks for coming! I'm Greg Rybak and this is both #my-first-ever-game-made and #my-first-game-jam (which I failed  to submit in time for due to errors at Unreal's packaging stage  #newbie-mistake xD)        

"Tangled Spells" is a very basic game mechanic prototype that attempts making spellcasting in games more dynamic than just clicking a dedicated button for each spell ! :)   

In order to cast a spell, choose two matching spells and press middle mouse button (or shift+spacebar) to cast it - during the casting animation you'll have a short "time freezed" period to aim at the right enemy or otherwise you'll miss !!  

Any thoughts ? Let me know ! Cheers ! :)  

(Yeah I know, it's very basic and not so much "a fun game" at the moment, but is a prototype for what could be eventually a core system behind a fun - am I right ? I'll appreciate any positive or negative feedback if you feel you wanna share such ! ^^ )


Team: "Solo dev and his non-dev mate"  

- I made everything in Unreal Engine 4 and my good friend Marcin Życzkowski supported me with amazing narrative elements for the system (which I sadly couldn't implement in time given :'( ) and other, and gave me excellent motivation to finish this game jame, thanks Marcin!  


- "spells joined together" sound taken from bone666138 from https://freesound.org/

- Ibrahim Akinde, UE4 Marketplace Creator - for the spells icons, I used some of the icons from his Targeting System which I acquired when it was featured on Epic's GiveAway (Proudly hoarding 3D assets since 2020™ ;) )

- PolyHavoc, UE4 Marketplace Creator for some loose inspirations and reverse-engineering I looked up from this: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/item/43b01fedf15a4ab69ccce713dc5a...

- Matt Aspland,  SmartPoly, and Sir Fansi Gamedev for great YT tutorials on the Mixamo animations and AnimsBP setup and other superb Unreal Engine tutorials!


Tangled Spells Gameplay Prototype - Late GMTK Game Jam 2021 entry (outside of ranking).zip 103 MB

Install instructions

Supported platform:

Windows (64 bit).  Just unzip and launch the .exe file. 


- WASD & Spacebar: movement & jumping.

- Left Mouse Button (click&hold/release): choose your left hand spell.

- Right Mouse Button (click&hold/release): choose your right hand spell. 

- Middle Mouse Button (or Shift+Spacebar!):  CAST THE JOINED SPELL.

NOTE: Your spell casting will fail if you don't have both left and right spells chosen, which will be indicated by a visual cue and a (broken xD) sound.   

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